SESSFA in the News
Meghan Bedell, SESSFA Founding Member, Wing Luke Site Leader and Finance Work Group Lead, described her experience and reason to get involved in SESSFA. Please read and share!
The Stranger referenced SESSFA's work in an article on the Seattle School Board's efforts to rethink PTA fundraising.
Check out our feature on KUOW's Seattle Now podcast!
With gratitude: In the Spring of 2022, The National Museum of American History at the Smithsonian reached out to us to ask if we could submit relics for their Giving in America exhbit. We have officially gifted two copies of the 2022 Move a thon Bingo Board (so that both the front and back can be displayed) as well as a water bottle from the 2021 year. We will be featured soon on this site, and live in Washington DC. We are honored to be recognized nationally for our work.